The Kala Velas are said to be the Shadowy Sons of the embodied planets. Their placement in the chart reveals hidden points of power or weakness that may otherwise go unnoticed. The position of the Upagrahas of the Kala Vela group are derived from the time of day related to their fathers. Just like the planets of the Dhooma group show sensitive points within our chakras, since those planets are derived specifically from the Sun’s degree in the horoscope, the Kala Vela group show sensitive points as related to the powers indicated by their embodied father’s***. They too have an influence on the chart, as a resonance or echo of their planetary fathers. These are the third grouping of the shadow planets. In this entry, we will be exploring the influence of the Kala Velas, or the shadowy son’s of the planets, particularly the son’s of Saturn and Jupiter. The shadow planets are disembodied forces that need a body to work through, which is why they are often considered to be like spirits.) (***The embodied planets are Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, etc., because they have an actual structural form in space that can be observed.